An ingredient for wholesome cooking!!

Healthy eating is a new trend where people shift towards fresher ingredients and are becoming more conscious of what they consume. And it’s great to see that people are looking at not just the quantity & kind of food they consume, but also at the nutrients that their food contains.

One aspect of this choice is the oil we use. With consumer awareness on the rise, the sale of olive oil witnessed a steady increase in our country since it seems like the healthiest option to choose. I’ve tried a lot of different oils myself over the years like peanut oil, sunflower oil,  vegetable oil,  extra virgin olive oil, rice bran oil and more. If you take a look at our daily meals, oil is the most commonly used ingredient which makes our food wholesome. It is one ingredient that can’t be completely skipped from our diet especially when 70 percent of our favourite dishes are cooked in oil. So the smartest thing to do, is go for the right oil.

For the last few months, I have been using Riso oil and I’m totally loving it. Awarded as ‘the 100% gourmet rice bran oil’, it’s a perfect choice. I did try to understand a bit more about this oil, and it actually does come across as an oil that is “so wholesome”.

It’s great to know that this is one of those few oils that is refined physically (not chemically). This ensures that most of the oils natural nutrients are retained. For e.g Riso retains high content of Oryzanol, an anti-oxidant which is unique to Rice Bran oil and one which helps improve the HDL:LDL ratio.

But did you ever question yourself “don’t these nutrients burn when we cook?”

Yes they would if the oil has a low smoke point. Smoke point is the point beyond which the oil starts to burn and create smoke. Not surprising to me, Riso delivers on this front too, since rice bran oil has a very high smoke point of above 180 degree Celcius, making it a great choice for deep frying or high temperature cooking.

Riso also has a very balanced fat profile of SFA:MUFA:PUFA, which is very close to the one recommended by WHO & AHA (American heart Association). What this means is that you get well balanced benefits of all these and you don’t have to worry about changing your oil frequently.

This oil is not just good for Indian cooking and frying but it’s also perfect as a salad dressing. You can also replace butter or margarine with this oil for baking to make it a healthier dessert.

Food creates the best memories with our loved ones because no celebration is complete without good hearty meals. Start this year with good food and lots of laughter around the table and instead of compromising and curbing your cravings, make it wholesome like I did.

18 Comments Add yours

  1. Deepali dhabu says:

    My mom uses this oil since last 4 years less did I know it’s benifits . Thanks for sharing this detail information of the benifits of this oil . I will also start using this one now

    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      Ya this one is really good.

  2. That’s very insightful. Choosing the correct type of oil is extremely important in embracing healthy lifestyle. Thanks for sharing ur experience.

    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      Glad u found it helpful

  3. Jhilmil says:

    I haven’t used 100% rice barn oil yet but good to know that it improves the HDL to LDL cholesterol ratio. Good for helqthnof many.

    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      I really like it.

  4. I have never used rice bran oil in my cooking but after reading the health benefits I’m encouraged to pick a bottle up in my next grocery shopping.

    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      Do let me know your experience.

  5. Choosing the right oil is key to living a healthy life.
    I haven’t ever used Rice Bran oil but the benefits you have listed make it seem like a great product. Will have to try

    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      I’ve been using and it’s really good.

  6. Disha says:

    I have never used Rice Bran Oil in my kitchen, but in recent times have read about it benefits a lot. And, your post has made reaffirmed my decision to start using it.

    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      Do Try it and let me know what u think.

  7. U K says:

    I would definitely love to try and review this in my next post. Looks interesting. You inspired me to try this one Kajal. 🙂


    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      I would be waiting for your review.

  8. Richa Mina says:

    For healthy lifestyle it’s very important to choose the right oil. I’ve not used Rice bran oil before but after your post i’m inspired to use this oil

    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      I’ve been using this for a while and I’m quite happy.

  9. Savvy says:

    Well said Kajal. Let healthy cooking and eating be a part of lifestyle change. No need to dread what is part of good living.

    1. Kajal Kothari says:

      Exactly. Just control what u can and rest enjoy.

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